Friday, May 9, 2008

Cool Photos - Star Forts

Star forts are incredible, relatively unappreciated structures - humungous constructions that only really become visually stunning when you look down on them from above. This type of fortification design was adopted in the early 16th century as people realised that simpler, often circular forts were pretty crap when it came to the job in hand: defense.
Many of them still stand today in varying sizes. some are empty, some contain ruins. some, as you'll see below, contain entire villages. be sure to check out the source links at the bottom for more info.
So here are 6 of the best star forts on earth…

1. palmanova, italy (google maps / wiki)
Palmanova (Friulian: Palme) is a town in northeastern Italy, close to the border with Slovenia. It is located 20 km from Udine, 28 km from Gorizia and 55 km from Trieste near the junction of the Autostrada Alpe-Adria (A23) and the Autostrada Venezia-Trieste (A4).
Palmanova is famous for its fortress plan and structure, called a star fort, imitated in the Modern era by numerous military architects.
On October 7, 1593, the superintendent of the Republic of Venice founded a revolutionary new kind of settlement: Palmanova. The city's founding date commemorated the victory of European forces (supplied primarily by the Venetian republic) over Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Lepanto. October 7 also celebrated Saint Justina, chosen as the city's patron saint. Using all the latest military innovations of the 16th century, this tiny town was a fortress in the shape of a nine-pointed star, designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi. In between the points of the star, ramparts protruded so that the points could defend each other. A moat surrounded the town, and three big, guarded gates allowed entry.
The outer line of fortifications was completed under the Napoleonic domination. From 1815 to 1866 the city was under Austria, and was annexed 50 years later to Italy together with Veneto and the western Friuli.
In 1960 Palmanova was declared national monument.

2. bourtange, the netherlands (google maps / wiki)

3. saint-martin-de-ré, france (google maps / wiki)

4. goryokaku, japan (google maps / wiki)

5. almeida, portugal (google maps / wiki)

6. naarden, the netherlands (google maps / wiki)

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